Ashley Turner, BCDHH, CFMP, CNHP, CHS
Dr. Ashley is a Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health and traditionally-trained naturopath. She is certified in functional medicine and functional genomics which gives her the ability to specifically apply nutrition and nutraceutical recommendations based on a deep analysis of one’s personal genetic profile and other in-depth testing. Dr. Ashley is a homesteader and homeschooling mother of four girls.
Dr. Ashley is the author of Restorative Kitchen: a cookbook and lifestyle guide for reversing chronic disease and autoimmunity. Her most recent book is Restorative Traditions: paleo and non-inflammatory recipes to honor life’s seasons, celebrations, and holidays. As a companion to her other books, Ashley wrote and Cultivating the Restorative Table, a book that serves as inspiration for stewarding mealtimes with intention along with ideas for memorable and health-promoting encounters around the table.
Ashley is a frequent guest on health-related podcasts including the Wise Traditions podcast from the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Simple Farmhouse Life podcast. She is also a frequent contributor to the Epoch Times. Her work has been featured in She Reads Truth Bible studies, Family Christian, and the Weston A. Price Foundation’s quarterly journal, Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts.
My Story
My interest and training in holistic health emerged from our family's deep health trials. While my life-long chronic symptoms were dismissed by my doctors, it wasn't until the health of one of our daughters plummeted that Kevin and I sought answers beyond what we could find in conventional healthcare. One of our daughters struggled with severe gastrointestinal distress, eczema, sensory disorders, and PANDAS/PANS. My own chronic symptoms of eczema, IBS, hormone imbalances, acne, adrenal fatigue, depression, and anxiety worsened. Through functional lab tests for my daughter and I, we found nutrient deficiencies, leaky gut, chronic Lyme disease, mold and biotoxin related illness, and autoimmunity.
I share these pieces of our health journey to show that our family has been through the trenches of chronic illness. Maybe you are in those trenches today. This book stems from my desire to share our triumphs in the face of great trial. Beauty from ashes, so to speak. My heartfelt hope and prayer is that the wisdom found in my books would be hope-filled and life-giving for you. It is a gift to share the fruit of our family’s healing journey with you through my work. May it do for you what it has done for us; take joy in the journey!